Mothering the Mother Birth Services |
Book Reviews by Mary Paliescheskey
Newsletter of the Valley/Foothill Doula Collective
Childbirth Wisdom From The World's
Oldest Societies
The Womanly Art Of Breastfeeding
Empty Arms: Coping With Miscarriage,
Stillbirth And Infant Death
The Vaginal
Birth after Cesarean Experience
Book Review
Childbirth Wisdom from the world's oldest
by Mary
Paliescheskey, Birth Guide
Mothering the
Mother Birth Services
This book was written because the
author asked the questions: "what was birth like before hospitals?"
and "what lessons might we learn from traditional societies?" The
book alternates between author commentary and vignettes designed to vividly
convey the information for that society.
During pregnancy, traditional
societies have support of the abdomen, massage, and no expectations of birth in
exactly nine months. For the birth, they create an environment designed to
relax the mother, encourage walking, exercise, changing positions, steaming or
lubrication of the perineum, and a birth position that uses gravity. The cord
is not cut until the placenta is out and the baby is breathing well. The
newborn is treated gently and birthed into a semi-dark, warm, and quiet
environment. If the baby is not breathing well then submerge into a cold bath.
Postpartum care would include
massage, walking, keeping mother’s upper body elevated, and heat treatments.
Nursing would be on demand. The mother and infant would always be close-during
the day the infant is carried and at night sleeps with the mother. Infant
massage is used. Weaning occurs gradually. The average nursing period is listed
as two to three years with some cultures nursing substantially longer. One
culture, Blackfeet of the North American Plains, nursed until six years of age.
The author notes that there is much
that modern society can learn from the wisdom of our ancestors. Current
childbirth practices can be altered to include this wisdom without loosing the
benefits of technology and in most cases the technology would not be necessary
if the wisdom is used.
buy this book Childbirth
wisdom from the world's oldest societies
The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Leche League International
by Mary
Paliescheskey, Birth Guide
Mothering the
Mother Birth Services
"Even though your milk is
important to your baby as a food and a source of elements that protect him
against infection, breastfeeding is more than a method of feeding your
La Leche League views breastfeeding
in the context of family. The book was first published in 1958. At that time
breastfeeding was not 'popular'-This book was the only one available to women.
"The Womanly Art of
Breastfeeding" uses the experiences of thousands of women and a time span
of 35 years for the recommendations. Instructions on breastfeeding and common
problems of breastfeeding are well covered. In addition, the book relates the
needs of the breastfeeding couple into a successful life style. All areas of
family life are touched: nutrition, fathers, work, sleeping arrangements, and
parenting from the heart are all discussed.
The need for support of the mother
is stressed. Practical means to determine whether baby is well fed are given:
number of wet and soiled diapers per day as well as weight gain. Nursing on
demand is recommended, as breastmilk supply is demand based. The book is
practical and gives information on the benefits of breastfeeding. Weaning is
also discussed.
To buy this book
review Empty arms: Coping with miscarriage, stillbirth
and infant death Sherokee
Ilse by Mary
Paliescheskey, Birth Guide Mothering the
Mother Birth Services A small, but powerful book. While
the vast majority of births in our society do not have to face this outcome, it
is healing to have strong guidance and assistance for those who do need it. This book covers all types of infant
loss including abortion and adoption. Regardless of how the absence of the baby
occurs, there is still a process of grieving for the future that could have
been with all of you together. Chapters are defined by the time
frame from the loss. Chapter one is about how you learn about the death. The
next covers the immediate decision you have to make - from holding the baby,
taking photographs to naming your baby. (Take pictures and things for you to
have for later.) The remainder of the book deals with the weeks and months to
come with the healing process completing. Emotionally, a most difficult time,
but the author, who speaks from her personal experience with loss, encourages
following what you need to do. Do not be concerned about what other people will
think. This is time for bonding and letting go; all at the same time. The
important part of facing death is the same as facing birth - follow what you
know to be true for yourself. To buy this book
Other books by The
Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Experience By L.
Baptista Richards by Mary
Paliescheskey, Birth Guide Mothering the
Mother Birth Services This book illustrates its points through the birth stories
of many women. All attempt a vaginal
birth after cesarean section (VBAC).
Some of them are successful and others are not. The book is very supportive of VBAC and
encourages a sense of empowerment and confidence. The conclusion reached by the author is that a successful
VBAC is more likely if the woman/family has dealt with the emotional issues
surrounding the previous cesarean.
Another factor is that the family/support group needs to be of one mind
and focused on the same outcome. It is
very difficult for the woman to battle family, doctor, and herself in order to
have her birth. It takes too much
energy and the end result can be an unnecessary repeat cesarean. The author recommends classes specifically
designed for VBAC couples and additional one-on-one sessions for emotional
clearing. The first section of the book documents the use of VBAC in
Europe. VBACs are treated as any other
vaginal birth and 90% of them result in vaginal births. In addition, VBACs have been done since 1933
over classical incisions with very successful outcomes. The book concludes with
a resource listing for finding VBAC support groups in your area. There is another book with a very similar title. It is not very supportive of VBACs and tends
to focus on rare complications. This
other book can generate fear and tends to encourage routine repeat
sections. Care should be taken to be
sure that recommendations of this book contains the full citation so the
correct book is read.
To buy this book The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding
Empty Arms: Coping with Miscarriage, Stillbirth and Infant Death
Book Review
The Vaginal Birth After Cesarean Experience