Biographical Sketch
Mary Paliescheskey, B.S., Doula
University of California, Davis, CA B.S. 1984 Bacteriology
Founding Board Member
Birth Services Foundation, Albany, California
Non-profit foundation dedicated to enhancing and strengthening the family bond.
Relevant Major Research or Professional Interest
:Women’s health with an emphasis in reproductive issues and maternal and child health
Nuovo, J., J. Melnikow, M. Paliescheskey. 1997. Is cervicography a useful diagnostic test? A systematic overview of the literature. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 10(6):390-7.
Melnikow, J., J. Nuovo, M. Paliescheskey, G. Stewart. 1997. Detection of high grade cervical dysplasia: impact of age and Bethesda system terminology. Diagnostic Cytopathology 17(5):321-5.
Melnikow, J., M. Paliescheskey, G Stewart. 1997. Effect of a transportation incentive on compliance with the first prenatal appointment: a randomized trial. Obstetrics and Gynecology 89(6):1023-1027.
Melnikow, J., J. Nuovo, M. Paliescheskey. 1996. Management choices for patients with ‘squamous atypia’ on papamicolaou smear. A toss up? Medical Care 34(4):336-47.
Nuovo, J., J. Melnikow, M. Paliescheskey. 1995. Management of patients with atypical and low grade pap smear abnormalities. American Family Physician. 52(8):2243-50.
Nuovo, J., J. Melnikow, J. King, R. Mowers, M. Paliescheskey. 1995. Cost effectiveness analysis of five different antibiotic regimens for the uncomplicated Chlamydia trachomatis cervicitis. J Am Board Fam Pract. Jan-Feb, 8(1):7-16.
Nesbitt, T.S., R.C. Davidson, M. Paliescheskey, J. Fox--Garcia, J.A. Arevalo. 1994. Trends in maternity care by graduates and the effect of an intervention. Family Medicine 26(3):149-53.
Tanji, J.L., J.A. Arevalo, M. Paliescheskey, L. Lee, O. Alcalde. 1994. Prevalence rate of hypertension among recent southeast asian refuges to Northern California. Journal of the American Board of Family Practice 7(2):1-5..
Gitnick, G., J. Collins, B. Beaman, D. Brooks, M. Arthur, T. Imaeda, M. Paliescheskey. 1989. A preliminary report on the isolation of mycobacterium from patients with Crohn's disease. Digestive Diseases and Science 34(6): 925-932
Beaman, L., M. Paliescheskey, B.L. Beaman. 1988. Acid phosphatase stimulation of growth of Nocardia asteroides and its possible relationship to the modulation of lysosomal enzymes in macrophages. Infection and Immunity 56(6):1652-1654.
Black, C.M., M. Paliescheskey, B.L. Beaman, R.M. Donovan, E. Goldstein. 1986. Acidification of phagosomes in murine macrophages: Blockage by Nocardia asteroides. Journal of Infectious Diseases 154:952-958.
Black, C.M., M. Paliescheskey, B.L. Beaman, R.M. Donovan, E. Goldstein. 1986. Modulation of lysosomal protease, esterase, and lysozyme in kupffer cells and peritoneal macrophages infected with Nocardia asteroides. Infection and Immunity 54(3):917-919.
Black, C.M., M. Paliescheskey, B.L. Beaman, R.M. Donovan, E. Goldstein. 1985. Modulation of lysosomal enzymes in macrophages infected with Nocardia asteroides: Changes in acid phosphatase activity in not due to degranulation. Infection and Immunity
Professional and/or Research Experience
Treasurer/Editor Newsletter (View newsletter) 1997-1999
Valley Foothill Doula Collective, Sacramento, California
The collective is a group of Doulas and labor support professionals that run a free referral line to assist individuals in finding labor support services that meet their individual needs. Responsible for budgeting and financial reports to the collective membership, editor of quarterly newsletter, assist with marketing strategies, writing, and reporting.
Facilitator Volunteer Doula Training
1999-presentSutter Davis Hospital, Davis, California
Train volunteer doulas in labor support techniques. Coordinate course material with Childbirth Educator and Midwives so all necessary material is covered. Facilitate group training and continuing education seminars. Seminars held on a monthly basis with sharing of birth experience and continuing education topic.
Research Consultant
1998-1999University of California, Davis, California
Position with the Department of Family and Community Medicine to advise on research plan and design, manage databases, report on research results, statistical analysis, and develop custom scantron applications.
Coordinator Volunteer Doula Program
1997-1999Sutter Davis Hospital, Davis, California
The volunteer program is a group of Doulas and labor support professionals that feel everyone should have access to birth support. I coordinated with the hospital and assign Doulas as needed for patients in labor. Currently, Davis Community Clinic staff is coordinating the program. This allows for greater access to services for women in need. Program has doulas assigned to individual clients as well as doulas on call.
Board Member
1996-presentDirector Sacramento Volunteer Program
Birth Service Foundation, Albany, California
The foundation services people in at risk circumstances to form a healthy family. We currently provide childbirth preparation and labor support for birthing women at WYCA WIC, Sacramento, CA, Highland General Hospital and Solid Foundation, a residential program for pregnant and postpartum women and their babies. As a board member I assist in direction and focus of programs and support services through my experience as a labor support professional and university researcher. I coordinate and set up volunteer program with WYCA WIC including negotiating and identification of key personnel.
1996-presentMothering the Mother, Davis, California
Mothering the Mother is a sole proprietor personal support business. I provide labor support as a birth guide which includes labor support, birth plan creation, addressing individualized needs, post-partum care, breast feeding support, and labor support products information.
Research Coordinator
1991-1998University of California, Davis, California
Position in the Department of Family Practice to manage, direct and supervise research projects of 5 individual faculty members into a working research unit. Functions included:
Streamline research procedures to increase efficiency/cost effectiveness.
Generate unit business plan, quarterly newsletter, human subjects protocol applications, and drafts of manuscripts, grant proposals, and progress reports.
Survey development and management
Design databases including structure and programming.
Recruit, accept bids, and select consultants/vendors.
Evaluate project progress and set deadlines.
Supervise, hire, and train employees.
Statistical analysis: Chi-square, logistic regression, Anova, decision tree analysis.
Staff Research Associate II
1987-1991University of California, Davis, California
Manage research projects in intestinal physiology for department chairman of animal physiology.
Improve survival rate of surgical animals by updating surgical procedures.
Design final steps of purification scheme for a satiety factor.
Development and implementation of standard operating procedures.
Staff Research Associate I
1984-1987University of California, Davis, California
Supervising research associate for a laboratory consisting of graduate students, postdoctoral fellow and student volunteers. Major responsibility was managing the fulfillment of grant priorities with numerous projects running concurrently in medical microbiology and immunology.
Design and conduct experiments in host parasite interactions.
Integration of various research projects into a comprehensive representation of the function of host parasite interactions.
Presentation of results at national and departmental conferences.